Where's the
Beef?Effects of the Cattle Industry
visualizing.org Data Visualization Competition Entry
collaboration with Charlie Able, Luisa Mendez, Danil Nagy, George Valdes
Fall 2010
The livestock sector is responsible for 18% of global emissions, which is higher than the entire transport sector, playing an important role in the greenhouse gas emissions crisis. The animal's gastrointestinal processes of belching and flatulence account for 37% of the world’s emissions of methane (CO4), a greenhouse gas with 23 times the global warming potential (GWP) of CO2.
Where’s the Beef? visualizes the huge impact of the cattle industry by reconfiguring the world map in terms of beef production and consumption. Our global affinity for meat has strained the limits of our ecosystem, with impacts that are spread unevenly across the planet. - [ Top ] [ Next Project ]