Museum of Diaspora
Defining Diaspora through Tourism
Columbia GSAPP Core Studio II
Instructed by Janette Kim
Spring 2010
The museum attempts to understand diaspora as a permanently displaced and relocated collective. The history of diaspora suggests a movement from suffering and exile to choice, from permanent to temporary. The project focuses on Tourism, as not only a radical type of diaspora, but its future form. Tourism forms a collective culture of its own, and within it exists a new taxonomy of spaces. A complex system of controls are then calibrated to create a museum where galleries, retail, performance spaces, artists and visitors can interlace and redefine existing patterns of exchange.
A map of the origins of the collection at the MOMA vs products sold in the MOMA store.
Redistributing the MOMA based on the collection's origins
Material Studies: taxonomic relationships.
Material Studies: taxonomic relationships (spatial).
Taxonomy of Spaces in the museum.
Program Diagram: Taxonomy of Visibility
Program Diagram: Taxonomy of Visibility
Main exhibition space.
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